Stable Diffusion: Enhance Your Photos Automatically

stable diffusion in photoshop

If you are an AI Artist and you work on multiple platforms then this trick will make your life perfect like never before. Using this Photoshop to SD plugin you can run Automatic1111 smoothly in Photoshop so that you don’t need to switch between these editing applications. 

Sounds really cool, Right?

Let’s directly move to the installation part and see how we can do this. 

Installing for Automatic1111:

If you are an Automatic1111 user, then there are three ways to install and run Stable Diffusion in Photoshop.

Method 1 (For normal user):

If you are an AI artist and don’t know the technical part use this one-click installation method:

1. First, make sure you have installed Automatic1111 and Adobe Photoshop version 24 or higher version on your machine.

select to download ccx one click installer

2. Now, download the one-click installer .ccx file (link provided below) by copying and pasting into the browser.

install ccx file

3. After downloading click the downloaded file to install all perquisites. This is the package file that stores all the necessary dependencies.

3. Now, open your Automatic1111 extension’s tab and install the “Auto-Photoshop-SD” extension from the list. This extension will help you in doing inpainting and outpainting workflow.

4. Copy the GitHub link of the Photoshop plugin (provided below), paste it inside the URL extension, and install it:

5. Restart Automatic1111 WebUI by clicking click “Apply and Restart UI” to take effect.

Now, if you getting any error then you can try second method which is to set all things manually.

Method 2 (For Developer):

If you are a developer then you can use this method:

1. First clone the Photoshop Plugin repository by copying and pasting the GitHub repository link in the command prompt provided below:

git clone

2. Now, move to the “Auto-Photoshop-StableDiffusion-Plugin” folder where you have installed it, open the command prompt by typing “cmd” in the address bar and install the node requirements :

npm install

3. Build the plugin by typing this command:

npm run watch

4. Click the “start_server.bat” file, available inside the “Auto-Photoshop-StableDiffusion-Plugin” folder.

6. Make sure you have Automatic1111 installed on your machine.

select webui-user.bat file

5. Now, navigate to your Automatic1111 root folder, search for “webui-user.bat” file and edit it using any editor(notepad/notepad++).

add argument --api

Add argument “–api” after the “set COMMANDLINE_ARGS=” line and save the file. You may have the other arguments added, so don’t remove that like “xformers” or “lowvram“.

photoshop preferences

6. Open your Adobe Photoshop (minimum supported Photoshop v24). If you don’t have one, you should upgrade to the latest version. Now, move to Edit>Preferences>Plugins option.

Enable Developer Mode

After that, you will get a new popup window. Just search for the “Enable Developer Mode” checkbox and enable it.

Adobe UXP Tool

7. Download and install the Adobe UXP Developer Tool from the official Adobe page. This will help you to embed Photoshop plugins in Photoshop.

8. Open Adobe UXP Developer Tool and Select the “Add Plugin” option available in the top right corner. 

9. Move to the folder where you have the “Auto-Photoshop-StableDiffusion-Plugin” installation directory and open the “manifest.json” file. This JSON file provides the configuration information for the plugin. 

10. Finally, Open your automatic1111, click the plugin and then click on “Actions>Load Selected“.

open photoshop to SD plugin

11. Click the plugin option and select Photoshop plugin.

photoshop to SD plugin

12. Enjoy Stable Diffusion inside Photoshop.